Your invitations for Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April – May 2023

Your invitations for Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April - May 2023 Girl and Her Moon

Let’s transform our relationship with the cosmos.

Lets only add love to the world.

And no longer spread fear.

Life is always on your side.

The cosmos is on your side.


In all ways.

Be on your side too.


Mercury Retrograde, like all other astrological events, is filled with invitations and opportunities, wisdom, and insights, if we so choose to see them.

Despite appearances, when a planet is in retrograde, it isn’t actually moving backwards. As Mercury is closer to the Sun than Earth and therefore has a shorter orbit, it overtakes us on our longer orbit. When it does so, it appears from our vantage point to be moving backwards. In truth, it is passing us.

Ancient Astrologers viewed retrogrades as the planet moving through the underworld on a quest for new perspectives, for greater wisdom, and deeper insight. While the known path can be nourishing, supportive, and safe – sometimes a different direction with different scenery is where our greatest growth can be found.

Perhaps as Mercury passes the Earth and slips into what we call a retrograde, it is venturing out on its own journey for the sake of our growth, for the sake of our joy, and for the sake of our lives being fully lived. And once it returns to its known path of forward movement, we can be the receivers of all gained along its quest.

Retrogrades in Astrology represent R-E words like review, rethink, realign, reconsider, reassess, recommit, and so on.

They are the one step back that propel us into the many steps forward. A moment in time to pause and integrate our actions taken, inviting greater insights, perspectives, and self-awareness that this pause in movement and doing allows for. With all the wisdom gained from this pause, only then, we continue to move forward from a place of deeper self-knowing, intention, and purpose.

Soul Purpose Tarot Reading Girl and Her Moon


Mercury Retrograde in Taurus: 21 April – 15 May

Mercury is the planet of our minds.

It is our mental world representing thought, communication, processing, communication, and learning.

Taurus is our sign of pleasure, building, persistence, and self-value.

While Mercury retrogrades in Taurus from 21 April 2023 to 15 May 2023, we are invited to see the value of slow and steady creation, where the voice of sustained action is key. It reminds us that we cannot force progress, growth, or creation, rather we must tend to our foundations first to bring a certain sturdiness, stability, security, and safety for our lives, selves, and creations to thrive and grow.

There is a focus on self-worth while we are in the land of Taurus. As the Sun shifts into this zodiac beginning Taurus Season on 20 April, and Mercury begins its retrograde the next day inviting us to tend to ourselves in a way that feeds our self-worth concept.

Are you making decisions rooted in the truth of your worth?

Is your life a beautiful reflection of your true value?

What would look and feel different in your reality if you were embodying your worth?

Mercury Retrograde allows us to see the bigger picture, the puzzle pieces skipped past, the wisdom left behind, the awareness only found through reflection.

It gifts us the very perspective that is needed for your path ahead, one that couldn’t be reached without this moment in time to pause and review. While many astrologers don’t encourage the initiation of new steps and changes throughout this transit, invite yourself to see the gift that is being presented here.

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With this Retrograde meeting us just after the fires of this months Eclipse, we are invited to take the desires born through this new beginning – and sit with it.

…to bring it into your body and review it. To allow more of the story to unfold before acting on it. To witness how it makes you feel, and not just in your mind, but through all the senses. To tend to the foundation required for it to thrive. And to ensure it is rooted in your indistinguishable value as the human you are.

The Solar Eclipse of this month represents the beginning of a story that will continue to unfold over the next 18 months. Taurus Season and Mercury Retrograde ask you to really think before creating this new cycle, ensuring it is a path you can sustain, a path you truly desire, and, a path that comes from your worth – and nothing less.


Additional Resources for Mercury Retrograde:

The Mercury Retrogrades of 2023 – all in Earth signs! Blog

Retrogrades: A New Perspective Instagram Post

What if every Astrological movement arrives in support of your dreams? IG Post

On the podcast: Mercury Retrograde, a New Perspective, Planetary Invitations and Creating Life on Purpose


Jordane is Girl and Her Moon’s founder.

A devotee to the mystery and wonder of life, Jordane is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way. Connect with Jordane in our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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