Stepping into January 2022: Capricorn New Moon & Ritual ♡



  • Wellington: Monday January 3 – 6.33 am
  • Sydney: Monday January 3 – 5.33 am
  • Tokyo: Monday January 3 – 3.33 am
  • New Delhi: Monday January 3 – 12.03 am
  • Dubai: Sunday January 2 – 10.33 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday January 2 – 9.33 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday January 2 – 7.33 pm
  • London: Sunday January 2 – 6.33 pm
  • New York/Toronto: Sunday January 2 – 1.33 pm
  • Los Angeles: Sunday January 2 – 10.33 am


Stepping into 2022 we are already within the energy of this New Moon meeting us on the 3rd/2nd.

We are beginning the year as the Moon renew herself in the wise, ambitious, steady, and productive sign of Capricorn.

A cosmic invitation to open into, even more, with deep commitment, the year ahead of us.

It is no mistake that this lunation is our first New Moon of the year.

Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth sign, showing us two beautiful things.

Firstly, it is a beginner/initiator within the zodiac. It initiates new cycles. Just as the Moon initiates her new cycle. Just as we initiate our new year. This is a new beginning.

Secondly, being an Earth sign, Capricorn is grounded in this present time space reality. It knows that as Souls we have dedicated this lifetime to the human experience, at this very time in history, fully resourced by the Earth.

Deeply rooted in wisdom, Capricorn is often associated with the old soul, the Sage. It is here to take the wisdom gained over many lifetimes and ground it into an experience that we can live in this physical reality.

It is a master of our Earthly Resources. It grounds wisdom into action. It creates with structure.


It builds. And it builds. And it builds in such a smart way that whatever it creates will last on lifetimes after the creation.


It knows success. And its ambition allows for any visions to become lived experiences.

This New Moon is reminding us to ground ourselves in this present time space reality. To take the power that is in our cosmos, that is flowing through our energy field, and to look around us and decide what we can create in the physical with it.

It is reminding us that the Earth is our devoted home and holds every resource we could need to create our dreams – money included.


Stepping into this New Year we are being guided to look at our lives in a grounded, practical, and smart way. What do we need to reorganise in the physical to experience the life we desire to experience? What wisdom have we gained that we can bring into our experience?


This lunation awakens the Wise One in each of us, the Sage, the Introspective and Intuitive Leader. This is Capricorn. The Sea Goat who continues no matter how big the mountain. The committed, structured, success-oriented zodiac.

This energy is within each of us. This New Moon awakens that side of us. The practical side. The grounded side. The committed side. The patient side.

With Capricorns ruler Saturn sitting in the innovative sign of Aquarius and still feeling the energy of the Saturn Sq Uranus in December, this New Moon is asking us to dare to open into unknown terrain. To think out of the box. To question the structures and boundaries that Capricorn usually thrives in. This New Moon is also trine Uranus, bringing the desire for new, evolution, change, and progress.


Life is asking us to question what we desire for our lives, to think in a new way, one that serves us in a more aligned way, and one that serves the evolution of the collective.

This lunation reminds us that when we pair innovation and the devotion to evolution with structure, commitment, and resources, we create change – for ourselves, our lives, for the collective, and in true Capricorn essence, for generations to come.

Capricorn New Moon Ritual:

Numerology of 2022

A beautiful collaboration with a beautiful human, Nats Numbers. This workshop explores 2022 through the lens of numerology, and how this year connects with your individual life path.

Here’s a little insight into this workshop/2022:

“2022 favours those people who are deeply rooted with their great work and their great purpose.
It’s the year of the healer. It’s the year of truly being of service.
The potential in this 6th universal year is massive.”

Explore your planning side under the Capricorn New Moon with prompts and insight that will support clarity for your year ahead.

This ritual is available for all Flow with the Moon Members under this beautiful lunation, and is available instantly upon signing up.


Joining under this New Moon you will also receive access to:

⏀ January exclusive Tarot Reading

⏀ Soul Check-ins and Intention setting

⏀ Cancer Full Moon Ritual: Inner waters of transformation

Find out more about the Flow with the Moon Membership here. 🖤



If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

Horoscopes coming soon


All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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