Northern Hemisphere:
Fall Equinox
22 September
Southern Hemisphere:
Spring Equinox
23 September
The word equinox is derived from Latin meaning “equal night,” referring to the roughly 12-hour day and 12-hour night that occurs only on the two equinox days of each year.
This day represents the balance of light and dark, day and night, outward and inward, and marks a coming together point in the Earths cycles before she shifts directions.
The more present we become with nature the more we notice the cyclic rhythms of every living organism surrounding us, including the Earth herself.
While we go about our days moving through routines, making exciting plans, or pondering on our past, the Earth is in a constant motion spinning around the Sun.
Forever spinning around and around. Getting lighter and darker each 24 hours. And over an entire year, moving through four key phases:
Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox, and Winter Solstice.
Cycles that have been recognised and celebrated for centuries with ancient sites like Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, The Great Sphinx, famous Egyptian pyramids, and more, all built in a way that aligns with and marks the days of these phases of the Earth.
To explore the Seasons, moon cycles, astrological movement and Soul in greater depth, join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership. Monthly astrology, tarot, ritual, lives and connection.
The Earth has been moving in one direction for 6 months. As we meet the March Equinox, the cold meets warm, dark meets light, inward meets outward and shedding meets renewal. This meeting allows the Earth, and each of us, to shift and begin moving in the opposite direction – depending on where you are in the world, this new direction could be one of light, warmth, and outward expression, or one of quiet, introspection, and shedding into colder months.
This shift in our surroundings is an invitation to lean into the shift that is occurring within each of us, too. We may feel this shift growing we move closer to this date, and will feel it for a short while after, but on the day, on the day of equal day and night, we honour and bring together our day and night, light and dark, inward and outward, together in balance.
We meet all of ourselves, honour all of ourselves, and with that, allow the shift that is waiting to take place within us.
Astrology and the Earth
Just as the Earth meets the second phase of her journey around the Sun, we also step into Libra Season in astrology. Any zodiac that begins as the Earth shifts into a new phase represents initiation and new beginning, including Libra.
For the northern hemisphere, Aries initiates us into Spring under the Spring Equinox, Cancer begins as we step into Summer under the Summer Solstice, Libra initiates Fall as we meet the Fall Equinox, and Capricorn into Winter as we reach the Winter Solstice.
For the Southern Hemisphere, we switch directions with Aries beginning the Autumn/Fall Equinox, Cancer the Winter Solstice, and so on.
This moment of equal day and equal night invites us inward to also become still for the moment. To become fully present with our past, future and present. To become fully present with where and who we are, with what the moment is asking of us, and to reintroduce ourselves to who we have become.
How have we changed over the last 6 months since the March Equinox, and where are we ready to go next? We can only meet our next chapter when we are fully present in our current, and we can only walk forward when we have our two feet planted fully on the surface beneath us.
Spring/Vernal Equinox
Southern Hemisphere Spring Equinox
For the Southern Hemisphere the September Equinox represents the opening into Spring, and its natural evolution into Summer.
When we think of Spring, we think of seeds sprouting, leaves blossoming, new life. We see the Sun in its outward, bright, and big expression. There seems to be more energy, more time, and more light to feed and nourish our bodies.
We are the same. We are invited into new life (new beginnings). We are invited into outward expression and action. We are invited into turning our lights and the centre of who we are up, allowing ourselves to become brighter and bolder, just like the Sun.
This is where we get to experience and express the 6 months of introspection and inward discovery. This is where we are reborn after so courageously letting go.
A beautiful invitation sits within this shift – to bloom naturally from who you are guided to be and become in each now moment, not from who you were before you entered into Fall/Autumn. You are a different person now. Let yourself explore this new you in this new cycle.
The Equinox marks a day of high potential. Where we are reminded of just how much is available to us, even if we can’t see it in our reality just yet. We are reminded to reach wider in our lives, to dream bigger. That we can create what we desire, that it can get that good. That we are in a constant cycle, that darkness doesn’t last, and new opportunities are always on the horizon.
Fall Equinox
Northern Hemisphere Fall Equinox
For the Northern Hemisphere the September Equinox represents the cycle into Autumn or Fall, and its natural evolution into Winter.
This is our shedding. Our letting go. Just as we witness Mother Earth so courageously let go of all she has become over the last 6 months, we are being asked to trust just as deep, have faith just as wide, that when we let go, we do so that we may be reborn once again when the time is right, as a new person.
The quote ‘You cannot re-create yourself until you uncreate yourself’ holds strength here. We let go because we know that we cannot add to what is already full. We empty our hands knowing that it is only then we may receive. We empty our minds and become the students, the explorers, the pathfinder who knows each moment of Life is its greatest teacher.
We let go in a full surrender that we are held, and just like the Earth, will bloom again.
Instead of an outward expression, we are guided inward. Reminded that there is incredible wisdom within each of us. Reminded that within silence is magic, magic that can be overlooked when we are in a mode of outward expression and doing. This is the season to listen.
This is a time to create the space for your body to be nurtured. To go at a pace that nourishes your body and your mind. This is a time to connect and listen inward above all else.
Equinox Ritual
Let this beautiful day of the Earth be a day that you, like mother nature, trust in your own guidance.
Intention sits at the core of everything we do.
What is your intention as you are called forward to celebrate this sacred day? Is it to honour the Earth? Celebrate your journey and how far you have come? Connect with your oneness with nature? Understand what new chapter you are stepping into? Or something else?
What are you honouring? What is your intention? What is your heart whispering?
Let these questions guide you into your next steps. Whether it’s a beautiful yoga flow in dedication to the Earth, a meditation soaking in the Sun, journaling, future visioning or something else. If you are guided to connect with the Solstice, trust that the same guidance that led you here knows where to take you today, too.
Ritual ideas & journal prompts:
Earth Meditation
In reverence to the Earth, in gratitude to the Sun, in a deep acknowledgement and appreciation for our oneness with this beautiful blue planet that we sit upon – a beautiful way to celebrate and align with the energy of the September Equinox is by going outside, connecting with the Earth, and immersing yourself in the energy of nature.
A few intentions to bring power into this ritual:
– Returning to oneness with the Earth
– Letting the energy of nature speak to you
Letting yourself be held by silence, whether that is silence of your surroundings or only your mind, feeling the Earth beneath your body, and the Sun on your skin – let these sensations be your focus. And with your intention, let yourself be guided in this moment of meditation and silence.
To bring this up a notch, bring a journal into your outside practice and when you are finished meditating, explore all the ways in which you are grateful to the Earth, and perhaps speak some desires to the Sun. Or bring the next two rituals into this practice.
Equinox Journaling & Reflection
As with every shift that occurs – the Moon through her phases, our chapters of change, the Earth through seasons, the astrological seasons – these moments of change all bring a beautiful invitation to go inward and reflect what is shifting within us, too.
Journal prompts:
- Six months ago, the March Equinox opened a new chapter in our lives. What has happened in the last six months that deserve being celebrated? What have you experienced? What dreams came true?
- How can you allow yourself to celebrate your wins with the recognition they deserve?
- How have I changed, grown, transformed during this time?
- How can I celebrate who I have become?
- A thank you letter to yourself:
Set Spring or Fall Intentions
As we usher into a new season, a new energy, and a new chapter of our lives, taking a moment to dream widely and set our intentions is deeply powerful.
Beginning with dreaming, letting your mind wander into joy and show you how good things could be. Some prompts to begin this with:
- If I could have it all my way in my perfect reality, what would the ideal Spring or Fall day look like to me?
- If I could have it all my way in a perfect reality, what new things, people, experiences would I get to live?
- How would I be different?
Bringing together your thoughts into beautiful 1-2 sentence intentions. For extra magic, keep them in a place you see, read, or say out loud often.
To explore the Seasons, moon cycles, astrological movement and Soul in greater depth, join us in the Flow with the Moon Membership. Monthly astrology, tarot, ritual, lives and connection.
This day is the changing of the seasons.
Where the Earth calls you into new dreams.
Where your passion is awoken by the Earth.
Your destiny is fulfilled by working in collaboration and aligning your soul work to lighting up humanity.
The Earth wants to supply you for these dreams.
Jordane x