Sagittarius New Moon November 2022 ~ Horoscopes & Ritual ✨

Sagittarius New Moon November 2022 Horoscopes Ritual Girl and Her Moon

Sagittarius New Moon Times & Dates

  • Wellington: Thursday November 24 – 11.57 am
  • Sydney: Thursday November 24 – 9.57 am
  • Tokyo: Thursday November 24 – 7.57 am
  • Singapore: Thursday November 24 – 6.57 am
  • New Delhi: Thursday November 24 – 4.27 am
  • Dubai: Thursday November 24 – 2.57 am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Thursday November 24 – 1.57 am
  • Johannesburg: Thursday November 24 – 12.57 am
  • Paris/Berlin: Wednesday November 23 – 11.57 pm
  • London: Wednesday November 23 – 10.57 pm
  • New York/Toronto: Wednesday November 23 – 5.57 pm
  • Los Angeles: Wednesday November 23 – 2.57 pm


Key themes:

Potential, magic, wisdom, realisation, arrival, creation

Sagittarius element:


Ruling planet:


Sagittarius Season is upon us bringing a sense of expansion, joy, adventure, spirituality and wisdom ~ and this new Moon is nothing short of magic.

After the waves of change and destiny of Eclipse Season begin to settle, we are gifted with the opportunity of spaciousness, stillness, wisdom, and potential.

The Moon has gone through such immense transformation in preparation for this new cycle.

Under a new Moon, she is empty.

Inviting a moment to choose who she will become next.

Inviting a deep breath to re-meet herself before stepping forward.

Inviting us to witness this stage of her cycle as a mirror of ours.

There is an air of magic available, as if the unseen realms of creation begin to tap us on the shoulders and ask to be worked with.

It reminds us that imagination is creation. That intention is energy work. That creation in higher dimensions of energy cannot help but trickle down into the physical.



The Sun in astrology represents our wants, while the Moon shines a light on our needs.

As they come together in the same sign, so do our inner wants and needs. This new Moon gifts us with an opportunity of stillness, wisdom, enough spaciousness to intentionally place our intentions into the ethers, and the hope to see them through to completion.

Sagittarius has a beautiful connection to wisdom.

And while the sky is dark and the Moon empty, we too, have access to this wisdom.

The astrology of this new Moon shows us that there are new seeds of potential making their way to you.

There are new opportunities opening themselves to you.

There are realizations and expanded perceptions on the horizon.

It’s a new Moon of renewal, hope, creation, intention, future potential and dreams, higher knowledge, wisdom, and self-development.

It’s a new Moon where we are invited to deepen into our connection with Source, with spirituality, with all-that-is.

Where we are reminded that Life is on our side, the divine is cheering us on, and synchronicity is confirmation of our dreams.

And it’s a new Moon of uncovering individual truth, of understanding our own dreams and desires, and of knowledge and learning that seems to unlock the mysteries of the Universe.

Where life-changing wisdom presents itself through us, perhaps through a book, a mentor, an adventure, or something as simple yet powerful as a moment with nature.


Soul Astrology Readings Girl and Her Moon


As Pluto immerses itself in the opportunity-rich energy of this new Moon, there is a sense of deeper transformation landing.

Pluto wants you to reach your potential, it wants you to renew yourself fully, it wants you to stand fully lit up in your beauty and self-sustaining power.

And while we have been moving through an inner transformation for some time now, as Pluto meets up with this new Moon it’s as if this healing, shedding, and total renewal has a place to ground.

It’s as if it can begin to settle in our bodies and we can step into this new chapter of ourselves.

We have an opportunity to live and experience the other side of the inner healing that has taken place.

Life is inviting us to get excited once again about all that awaits us on our path.

The Sun is rising once again and we are invited to begin anew.

On the same day as this hopeful new Moon, Jupiter finishes its retrograde and begins to move in a forward motion once again, reignited with its path and filled with faith for the future.

In astrology Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. It holds that same sense of hope and joy, adventure, and thirst for life. Known as our planet of luck and expansion, it is our shining light in the cosmos reminding us that life is on our side.

Jupiter began its retrograde in July of this year with the intention of uncovering new inspirations, inviting a renewal of our sense of spirituality, and restructuring our perspective and beliefs of the larger, wider, and perhaps ungraspable nature of the Universe.

Retrogrades remind us that renewal isn’t a linear process. It is cyclic. It is backwards and forwards and up and down all at once. This retrograde was our opportunity to review before we renew, to question before arriving at certainty, to pause and look around so that we can intentionally decide on the path that is next for us.

Now on its path forward once again, Jupiter turning direct in Pisces brings a renewed expansion and growth to our connection with spirituality, with hope, with imagination and overall abundance.


Girl and Her Moon New Moon Ritual


Sagittarius New Moon Ritual 

Available inside of the Flow with the Moon Membership!


Emerge: Becoming Current with the Self

We have been moving through great transformation, and we are no longer the same people.

This ritual is created for you to re-meet yourself, and to arrive in this moment as the current (new) stage of who you are.

Lovingly shedding the pieces of ourselves

that have gotten us to where we are, that we no longer require to take forward with us.

And emerging as we now are.

A meditation and energy ritual, along with journalling exercises.

Free for all Flow with the Moon Members, or join us from $33.33 🌱

♡ If you are already a member – sign in here for your live circle registration.


Sagittarius New Moon Tarot Reading

Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes: Sagittarius New Moon November 2022



♡ If you are already a member – sign in here for your discount on all readings.

All my love, and so much more

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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