New Moon in Aquarius January 2020: A wave of new energy

Aquarius New Moon January 2020 Girl and Her Moon

The Aquarius energy of each new year brings us an electric field drawing unexpected surprises to our lives – are you ready?

Depending on where you are in the world, the powerful New Moon in Aquarius will grace us with its presence 24th/25th January at 4°22’.



Mercury is joining the Moon & Sun in innovative Aquarius

Libra is our rising sign/Ascendant for this powerful New Moon

Sensitive Venus and dreamy Neptune are both sitting in Pisces

Saturn, one of Aquarius rulers, is comfortable in Capricorn also in conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn

The modern ruler of Aquarius, Uranus, is hanging out in Taurus, making us more mindful of our changes



It’s our first New Moon of 2020, and we are stepping into an entirely new energy!

Our beautiful New Moon is asking us to take steps of improvement for both ourselves, and the collective Universe we live in. It is a period in which the collective energies are ‘We Are’ rather than ‘I Am’ – and with this, the frequency of humanity and all living things is rising. We are creating a new way to be and looking to the future with confidence.

This powerful New Moon is healing in whatever form we need it in. We will be re-balancing relationships and improving our finances, and with our Sun and Moon both in the 4th house of home and family, we are being urged to make necessary changes around the home, family life, Earth and Universe. Listen to your heart and Soul this New Moon and you will know where you need some re-balancing and changes.

We will be thinking of not only ourselves, but also for others, and we are taking actions to benefit the overall energy and happiness of the collective. It is our time to do the work, advance our consciousness and raise our frequencies so that we can initiate this new innovative energy; this new way of being.



There is no better time than this New Moon to bring a balance to our lives.




Aquarius is rules by our planet of sudden events, breakthroughs & radical change, Uranus, and this Aquarius New Moon, that’s exactly what La Luna is brining us: wakeup calls and breakthroughs. We will also be deeply feeling into our sense of independence and looking to stand out in the crowd.

And if Uranus energy wasn’t powerful enough, we also have Saturn and Pluto sitting strong in Capricorn: it’s a time of rebirth and regeneration. Get ready, change is coming.




March 2020 brings us Saturn in Aquarius. August brings us the powerful Aquarius Full Moon. And then, December marks an important energetic shift and the beginning of a huge new cycle; the conjunction of Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius until 2200 / AKA The Age of Aquarius.





Aries Girl and Her Moon


Aries, it’s time for a new friend or perhaps even a new environment for your life – and that’s exactly what La Luna is bringing you. The cosmos is bringing you new ideas and solutions for action around travel and higher education.

It seems you will be kept busy with training or education taking place online, a different city or even a different country. Or perhaps it’s time for a trip around the globe?!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Taurus Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Taurus, this New Moon is looking to get you into a new position at work / a new opportunity that will improve those finances of yours – and you know why, because life wants freedom and independence for you! Be sure to give thanks and feel into the space of gratitude for this. Life is working for you always, and the deeper you acknowledge this, the quicker La Luna can work her magic.

If there are/will be any legal processes happening in your life, things will now move quickly.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Gemini Symbol Girl and Her Moon


You’ve got a busy 3 weeks ahead of you, Gemini – but this time, it’s in the best way possible. The Aquarius New Moon is bringing you the energy for a new adventure of long-distance travel. Travel likely relating to financial investments and your family.

There’s also going to be a lot of socialising on the cards, especially with couples.

What an exciting time ahead!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Cancer Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Keep your mind open this New Moon Cancer; ideas will be flowing into and through you as quickly as you can receive them. This is the Universe bringing you guidance and courage to move forward into a more aligned and rewarding work environment, living condition and/or business!

It’s time to take some steps relating to investments, credit, legacy, inheritance and capital. These steps will benefit you greatly in the long run.

Daily meditation will assist in receiving that guidance and flow of ideas.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Leo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


It’s all about partnership for you, Leo! This New Moon in Aquarius is bringing change into your relationships. Perhaps a new relationship or business partnership. Important contracts around partnership may be needing your signature.

If you are partnered, perhaps your partner is going through a deep transformation. What an honor it is for you to be beside them while they step into a new way of being.

News relating to your intimate relationships, children or even holidays will help you move forward and grow at a quicker pace.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Virgo Symbol Girl and Her Moon


It’s time for an update to your daily routine/work environment, Virgo! Our Moon is bringing you new energy, more life and action especially in your work environment. Your communication will be 10/10 with your colleagues, you will be receiving and exchanging new ideas, acting and working quickly, and meeting your goals around your home and family.

Remain open to new innovations, know that we are stepping into a new way of being, and with that may come some crazy, yet totally necessary ideas.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Libra Symbol Girl and Her Moon


Beautiful Libra, this New Moon is all about having fun and letting your creativity run wild – what an amazing time for you! Remember this as you move through each day and allow yourself to find the joy in all that you do. Or maybe it’s time for some new experiences outside of your normal routine!

There could be a new romance on its way to you, news of pregnancies, or some nearby travel. You could be giving or partaking in online trainings that will benefit your growth. If you have children, it’s the perfect time for new and fun actives with them – let them remind you of your playful and creative inner child.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Scorpio Symbol Girl and Her Moon


There’s some event/change relating to your home/family waiting just around the corner for you, Scorpio – and it looks like the Universe is bringing you the space, time and energy to review and even improve your income sources.

If you have been thinking of moving houses; La Luna is giving you a green light to move ahead!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Sagittarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon


There’s a new business partnership or investment plan that is connected to distance coming for you, Sagittarius! This new space you are entering will bring deep spiritual knowledge and growth, or even higher education.

You can expect your communications and networking to increase and a spur of motivation to help you take those steps in business that you have been planning for some time.

The Universe is on your side right now; take its hand and ride this wave of new energy.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


It’s time to up your money game, Capricorn, and La Luna is giving you all of her power to make that happen!

This New Moon will bring a new source of income, a financially profitable opportunity or simply an overall increase in your earnings. Use this energy to your advantage; open right up and allow yourself to receive this energy, this help, this new space of total abundance. This is such a beautiful and advantageous period for you in business.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon


It’s your time, Aquarius. La Luna is assisting you in creating a new image for yourself, a new look, a new stance within your relationships.

Single Aquarius’ may feel a tug towards a potential new partner and coupled Aquarius’ will really be feeling the appreciation and interest of their spouses!

You will be completely excelling when it comes to your work, career and business. This energy will be speeding you up, bringing you new ideas and the motivation to take big steps around educational plans and long-term projects – especially relating to long-distances or online work.

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾


Pisces Symbol Girl and Her Moon


There’s going to be some behind-the-scenes-work going on for you Pisces. This New Moons energy will have you quietly working away to create new and beneficial situations relating to your children, love life and daily routine. Keep yourself grounded and centred to allow you to stay aligned while you create this new space for yourself.

If you’ve been looking at any interactive trainings or projects, this is your time, whatever training/projects you work on now will enable you to make quick progress in your career goals!

Ready to go deeper? Find out more with a personalised Aquarius New Moon Reading ☾



Want to work alongside La Luna each month?

Our beautiful Flow with the Moon members are aligning with this powerful energy through ritual, soul-work and spiritual practices, as they do each month.

They have access to exclusive monthly astrological, numerological & tarot guidance, Moon ritual, and Soul-work.

But it doesn’t stop there. At just $11.11, you can find out more about here!

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Dilosh Girl and Her Moon

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