Mercury Retrograde October 2020

Mercury Retrograde October 2020 Girl and Her Moon

The final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 has arrived venturing through the watery, intuitive, and mysterious sign of Scorpio and ending in the balanced, harmonious sign of Libra.

This Retrograde journey acts as a bridge between this year and the next, guiding us through our inner worlds in preparation for all that is to come.



ending in Libra





Unravelling, profound insight, immersion, & truth

Being in Scorpio for the majority of this retrograde, Mercury is bringing us depth. Scorpio is an energy that takes us deep within to discover profound insight, wisdom, and truth. An energy that likes to get to the core of truth, that zooms you in, daring to immerse itself in mystery of the unknown, the darkness to find the light, it takes us deep.

We are being asked to surrender deeply into the unknown, to sit with any discomfort and allow ourselves to unravel any fixed concepts of identity, to discover what, how, and who is underneath those many layers and begin to connect with that discovery.

We are being asked to bring an awareness and attention into the natural cycles of death and rebirth in ourselves and our lives. To honour what is naturally ready to fall away. To honour what is naturally blooming. And to honestly, bravely, honour what we may have been holding onto past it’s natural time, so we can shed and transform and birth a new way of being in the process.

We’re on a powerful journey of reflection, of realisation, of emotional purging and healing, of realignment and purpose, of spirituality and discovery.

October is already a powerful time of inner energetic movement, preparing and moving us into such readiness and alignment, that when we feel the call to move forward again, we will do so only on purpose, in purpose, in alignment, in truth, and in total Soul.

Where this month holds high energy, where Mercury Retrograde is taking us within and energetically unravelling and transforming our ways of being, we may feel that cosmic busyness, we may feel that little bit more energetically and emotionally sensitive.

So lean into your grounding practices.

Lean into your alignment practices, lean into a morning of magic and joy to pave the rest of each day. It’s important, always, but especially now, to sit with the stirring within your heart, to create the space, silence, and patience to look at the emotions that are moving through you and allow the wisdom in them to be heard.

Scorpio is bringing a very emotional and intuitive energy into our minds, where we will find we are perceiving and processing more with our hearts than our minds.

So give your heart the space, give your heart the attention, give your heart the platform to reach you clearly through. Nurture yourself. Ground your energy. Connect within. Love within. Be open to all the cosmos is bringing your way, and if you feel unsure, ask, ask, communicate, speak to Mercury, speak to your cosmic team, speak to God, speak to your Soul. Let yourself be guided through this beautiful transformation.



Going Deeper

For a personalised and deep dive into what this powerful cosmic movement means for you, your healing, growth, and transformation, we have created a Mercury Retrograde Tarot Reading.

This reading will use a combination of Tarot, Astrology, Intuitive insight, and more, to take you on a journey within, to bring to light all that is ready to be brought to your awareness, and to lean into the support of this Retrograde to bring you your highest transformation and soul growth.

To receive a discount on this reading and assist in your growth during this powerful time, we have created a powerful offer of service active until the 17th October.

Join the Flow with the Moon Membership within the next 5 days, and you will receive instant access to Soul Work and Moon Magic bonuses.

By joining within the next 4 days, you will receive:

Flow with the Moon October Guide
Including an in-depth October Tarot Reading, Inner Well Meditation + Soul work, Libra New Moon (16 October) guidance, a guided EFT Tapping Session, Taurus Full Moon Guidance + Soul Work and more.

Unlimited discounts on all Tarot Readings – including the Mercury Retrograde Reading.

An incredible community filled with likeminded women

BONUS: Codes of Light Meditation + Soul Work

BONUS: Soul Embodiment Meditation + Soul Work

BONUS: Manifest with the Moon Guide



All the love, always, Jordane  x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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