May 2021 Retrogrades: Mercury, Saturn and Pluto


How deeply can you trust Life? How deeply can you surrender to any change, transition, transformation that retrogrades can bring? How willing are you to follow the guidance of the cosmos?


Retrogrades ask us to slow down.

They ask us to revisit our lives honestly and truthfully; the energy we are emitting, the actions we are taking, the thoughts we are thinking, and the perspectives we hold.

Like most (or all) things in life, these periods flow much more smoothly when we surrender to them. Letting them guide us into their purpose and intention. Connecting with the energy and letting it into our lives.

Ignoring the planets and their retrograde motion, ignoring the whispers of guidance and insights of wisdom, will only be met with resistance.

All retrograde periods are here for the greater flow of your life, even if at times, they feel harsh. If you are feeling guided to connect deeply with the energy and guidance over these retrograde periods – speak to them, ask them. We are innately intertwined and one with each of these planets – it/we are all energy – so you already know.

Trust the messages that come from your heart.

Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn

April 27-October 6

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and will remain there until 2024. This speaks to the larger, outer, and long-term of Pluto. It’s not an immediate, day-to-day planet, rather it highlights themes in our lives and in the collective shifts that take place.

Pluto in retrograde looks to the theme of power and control. A slow-moving planet in the sign of slow, careful, and steady Capricorn, this is a retrograde that asks us to fully be present  to fully sink into whatever emotions, thoughts, energies, and healing you are moving through.

It reminds us that we are here to experience all that it means to be human, to dive into it headfirst. We cannot control it, we cannot avoid it, we cannot stay up on the surface, rather, we can experience it – all of it.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

May 23-October 11

Saturn, like Pluto, is an outer planet, meaning its retrograde effects may not feel as intense or obvious as some other planets. Instead of having an immediate, short term effect on our lives, Saturn Retrograde adds to our long-term growth and healing.

Saturn rules structure, discipline, authority, and boundaries. He is the father-figure of the planets, here to help us learn long-term lessons through dedication, commitment, and discipline. As he slows down and moves into his retrograde, he asks us to do the same. He asks us to revisit and review our relationship with structure, discipline, and boundaries.

By looking at where Saturn naturally sits in your Natal Chart will give you an indication on where it is you are being asked to look at these themes and potentially re-organise your energy, re-frame your perspectives, and shift your physical life.



Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

May 29-June 22

When Mercury slows down and enters retrograde, it brings us to three total retrograde planets. Unlike Saturn and Pluto, Mercury is an inner planet, meaning it is here to look at our lives right now and in our immediate future.

Like all retrogrades, this period is nothing negative – rather it is the cosmos asking us to revisit, reassess, and gain a new perspective on particular areas of our lives. Looking at where Mercury is in your Natal Chart will show you where Mercury is guiding you to revisit.

Ultimately this transit will bring us new perspectives, it can give certain things in our lives a refreshing new energy, and it can provide us with a deeper understanding of our past. It’s here to return us to something so that we can make the necessary shifts and changes to move ahead with greater alignment.



Keeping in the forefront of our minds and hearts that these retrograde periods, no matter the planet, are here to serve and align the greater journey of our lives, is something that will not only make them easier, but will allow them to be beneficial in our lives, as they desire to be.

How deeply can you trust Life? How deeply can you surrender to any change, transition, transformation that retrogrades can bring? How willing are you to follow the guidance of the cosmos?

Change is our only constant, and you are safe to let change flow through your life.

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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