Learning to lead from the soul


A little scribble of words from my brain that feels a little messy – my attempts to clear it up.

You can feel it when life isn’t aligned – when you’re not feeling connected, when you’re losing that spark from things you were once so passionate about, when you’re not feeling motivated or excited. That’s a life out of alignment – and it’s only recently become clear that there is no one aligning of your life and you are set – it’s more like this lifelong dance, this life long connecting with yourself and pulling yourself back home.

There’s a part of my life that has felt out of alignment for the past few months, and that misalignment was just getting louder, more clear, more obvious and more in my face asking me to surrender so life can bring me home – and that is this beautiful business I have created.

I started Girl and Her Moon with no idea what it would be, where it would go, honestly, I had no idea what the point of it was – it just felt right. I was in a beautiful place when I started Girl and Her Moon, I was strongly connected to myself and was living from a place of trust, intuition and simply wanting what felt good. But then as the business started to grow, I stopped looking at it as fun, I placed a heaviness and seriousness onto it because based on my very small amount of experience, that’s what running a business meant. I started trying to force something, I moved into a kind of hustle mode trying to push the brand in a certain direction – when it definitely wanted to go in a different direction.

It’s as if there was some higher power working through me that knew what Girl and Her Moon would be one day…. Because there totally was and is! Just as there is in every word I write and every creation I create. But I wasn’t letting that life flow through me and into Girl and Her Moon – I was blocking it, and then trying to move it myself. But that doesn’t work, no where near as good anyway….

So, finally, I’ve surrendered, I’ve given in – and I know I will continue and continue and continue to do so, and each time I do so, I will get that little bit closer to living my life from my soul, living my life in alignment, living my life allowing life to flow freely through me. I am learning and getting closer to this each time I am reminded to surrender and all the moments in-between.

And this time round, I’ve got some making up to do!



I’m switching up my perception of and mental and emotional ‘place’ within Girl and Her Moon – I see Girl and Her Moon in it’s full potential, and in it’s full potential, it’s not a personal blog selling readings. Instead, oh wow instead, it’s grand, it’s a global community, it’s a safe, inspiring, motivating and deeply healing space that helps people from around the world connect with themselves and get deeper in their journey to lead from their soul. Girl and Her Moon is no longer ‘my personal brand’, really, it won’t have a whole lot to do with me personally – I’ll just continue to view it in it’s highest potential and take the inspired steps to keep it moving in that direction.

So with this tweak in how I am viewing the brand comes a few external changes.

Firstly, I’m switching up Instagram, which may seem like a not-so-big-of-a-deal, but in reality, about 80% of my traffic and sales come my from Instagram that has grown like crazy in the last 12 months. But it doesn’t feel right having a more personal Instagram representing a brand that I see as booming into one of the biggest spiritual spaces in the future. So I’ve created a new one – @girlandhermoon_! An account more aligned with where I see Girl and Her Moon flowing, so come check it out! We will be doing Monthly Tarot Giveaways and introducing a tonne of more reading and services.

Another change will be the open door to bloggers to bring their spiritual knowledge, wisdom and love into words to inspire the thousands of readers each month on Girl and Her Moon – so if you are interested in a platform to get your name and creations out there into the world, I would love to hear from you! Girl and Her Moon will only bloom with your touch, and you will bloom along side it.

This is the same with different healing modalities and spiritual readings – the door has been opened to bring on different types of Services to our community. If you have training, experience and passion for any kind of spiritual work that you think would fit in well with Girl and Her Moon, I would love to hear from you.

We also have Energy Healing, Numerology and a YouTube channel coming soon which I am so damn pumped about – just watch this spaceeeee!!!!!!



And if you are still reading this – one more thing. In the midst of these changes (which honestly, are more internal than external and probably don’t seem like that big of a deal) I want to show you how SERIOUSLY grateful I am for you – so yes, there is a giveaway going on the new Instagram @girlandhermoon_ – but also a 30% discount on all readings for the first 20 purchases! YaSSsssSSAAA you heard, 30 goddamn percent. I will always recommend the Soul Purpose Reading because well it is just my favourite, but apart from that our Twin Flame/Soulmate reading and Divine Guidance Reading are our most popular AND we also have a brand new FULL MOON/NEW MOON TAROT READING yay so if you are curious about this Intense Pisces Full Moon coming up, it is your perfect opportunity to save that dosh. Ooh also I want to bring back some merch yeeesssSSSSsss!!

My brain feels so much better now – calmer, clearer and in fact quite excited. So thank you for holding the space for me to messily express. I appreciate you.

Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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