Gemini Full Moon 18/19 December: Final Full Moon of 2021 ♡



  • Wellington: Sunday December 19 – 4.35 pm
  • Sydney: Sunday December 19 – 3.35 pm
  • Tokyo: Sunday December 19 – 1.35 pm
  • New Delhi: Sunday December 19 – 10.05 am
  • Dubai: Sunday December 19 – 8.35 am
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday December 19 – 7.35 am
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday December 19 – 5.35 am
  • London: Sunday December 19 – 4.35 am
  • New York/Toronto: Saturday December 18 – 11.35 pm
  • Los Angeles: Saturday December 18 – 8.35 pm


Our final Full Moon of 2021. A letting go of the year.

This final Full Moon has a positive, supportive, and nurturing energy to it. An energy that encourages reflection, hope, sociability, communication, and gratitude.

Under this lunation, we are bringing the energy into the mind, where we will be guided to reflect on and celebrate the year that we are bringing to a close.

Gemini is excited by the world around it, wishing to gather as much as it can from as many places as possible to share it with anyone that will listen, knowing that communication is healing. Expressing oneself through words is healing. Conversation and connection are healing.

Its opposite Sagittarius, where the Sun sits, is excited by the adventure and experience of life. It evolves as it moves, learns as it experiences, and gains deep wisdom from being fully alive in this human experience.

With Jupiter present and active, shining its joy and abundance upon each of us, this lunation has a supportive energy to it.

Supportive as we reflect on the many versions of self we have moved through in 2021, and supportive as it brings a sense of hope and positivity for the year we will soon step into.

Jupiter’s essence under this Full Moon is like a warm, safe hug, it is a beautiful time to think about what you desire to be, do, have, experience for the year ahead.

Let yourself think beyond limits. Jupiter has no limits. Gemini wants to see it all. Sagittarius wants the most expansive adventure it can experience.

Being the first Full Moon post Eclipse Season, this lunation will be illuminating solutions, clarity, guidance, and more, for all that was stirred up during the powerful Eclipses recently passed.

Be open to receiving, to realising, to witnessing where your mind takes you. If you are comfortable, even take a moment to speak to the Moon, or to the Unvierse, and ask for whatever clarity or guidance you are seeking.

This is a beautiful Full Moon to be with loved ones and reflect on and communicate your experiences of 2021, and the many wishes you hold for 2022.

Witness the words that you speak and let them heal you with their essence.

Full Moons illuminate like big beautiful bright lights in the sky, shining on things you perhaps may not have noticed previously.

Allow yourself to have conversations that touch you, change you, inspire hope within you and those around you.

Whether it’s a conversation with many, just one, or your journal. Let words heal.


Gemini Full Moon Ritual:

Exploration & Expression: Thanking 2021. Opening to 2022.

During this this ritual we’re going to do a quick energy rich meditation to open to the expansive essence of Jupiter, paired with the Moons mentally rich essence of Gemini. Here we will thank all that we have moved through and all that we embodied during 2021.

We will then follow with Soul prompts to tap into the heart centre and explore your healing, your dreams, passions, and intentions for the next 12 months.

This is all in a sacred, safe, and deeply nurturing container. 

Our intention with each ritual is to come home to the self, to the heart, to the body and to the Soul. To return to our fullness so that we may access our own inner clarity, guidance and sense of purpose.

No one other person can tell you where to go, what to feel, or what to do. you are your greatest source of wisdom and your most aligned guidance.

During this ritual we will hold the space while you access your fullness.

Exclusive to our Flow with the Moon Membership, this ritual will be available instantly upon signing up.

Move through this ritual as many times as you desire, whenever your heart is calling you for wider expansion, higher energy, and integration of deep wisdom.

Joining under this Full Moon you will also receive access to:

⏀ December exclusive Tarot Reading

⏀ Soul Check-ins and Intention setting

⏀ Eclipse Ritual: North Node of Creation Activation with Zaia Soul

⏀ December Zodiac Tarot Reading

Find out more about the Flow with the Moon Membership here. 🖤


Gemini Full Moon December 2021 Ritual Girl and Her Moon


If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

Horoscopes coming soon


All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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