Making New Year Intentions With The Power Of The Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

Girl and Her Moon Capricorn New Moon

The new moon is a time for fresh beginnings, renewed motivation, and an improved mental state and a unique outlook on life and your Soul. With 2020 rapidly approaching, I think we are all beginning to reflect back on the year and get excited for what is to come, and with the Capricorn energy growing as the moon begins to make a fresh debut in the sky, it’s time to point our toes forwards and plan ahead!

On December 26th, the new moon will be blessed in the sky, reigning in our fantasies encouraged by Gemini’s presence in the cosmos and turning it into the power we need to get working. The moon, like our future in 2020, is hidden and hardly noticeable in the sky during this phase of the transition. It’s symbolic of the slow descent we all face this winter, as we phase out of the blessings from 2019 and recover from the hardships, and throw ourselves into new opportunities.

2020 is full of promise, but as an Earth sign, Capricorn’s New Moon is promising us the importance of a stable foundation. Today, think hard about what you want to be your support system in 2020, and keep your thoughts objective towards the future. It’s all unknown, but our educated guesses at what to expect and where to place our efforts could make a world of difference.


The Solar Eclipse

On the same day as the New Moon’s presence becomes most powerful in the sky, there is an equally powerful solar eclipse. The Capricorn sovereignty over this solar eclipse shows that our responsibility will be boosted, and clarity will be our main focus. Using this wisdom that is heightened by the eclipse can help with your reflections of 2019 and your progress forward.


Finding Your Balance & Setting Intention

Much of Capricorn’s history of success comes from their determination. They establish goals and responsibilities firmly, and then stick by their guidelines and deadlines in order to stay systematically ahead of the game. The level of focus that can be achieved with this mindset is phenomenal, but hard for everyone to make habitual in their lives.

Capricorn’s energy this moon cycle will be strong, so you likely feel a lot of weight on your shoulders to wrap up the year strong, and begin the next even stronger. This is both a blessing and a curse, especially for many of you. You want to do well; but the journey towards greatness is a tough one, at times.

Here is where the importance of balance comes into play. Capricorn is a Cardinal sign, meaning it symbolizes the leader of winter, it’s a very secure sign in the Zodiac. Mutable signs struggle to follow in the footsteps of this form of energy, so tapping into your Earth placements in your natal chart can help you establish a strong balance. If you’re unsure what your natal chart looks like, we do powerful readings to help guide you through understanding your unique Astrological blueprint!



New Moon Healing Checklist

As you step out under the Capricorn New Moon, take an inventory of your strengths and weaknesses, failures and achievements, and hopes and dreams. A good understanding of self is essential for this time of year, especially if you have a lot of Capricorn represented in your chart. Feeling a bit more subdued and quiet this month is absolutely normal, and can be a good thing since it helps promote an environment for deep thinking.

While reading the horoscope for the New Moon and upcoming year based on Capricorn’s energy and influence in our Soul, think carefully about these following questions and use them as a directive for deciding how to go into 2020.


  1. What new habits or growth areas have you developed in 2019 you want to continue improving upon in 2020?
  2. What mistakes or experiences happened in 2019 you want to leave behind in the New Year, and how can this New Moon help you do so?
  3. Pick out 3 goals you feel is achievable in 2020, and write them down somewhere it will be memorable to you.
  4. Think hard about the people in your life. Capricorn is a very selective sign, and it may be time for you to be selective, too.
  5. Ask yourself who you see staying by your side in the New Year, and what to do about those you feel distant from.



Each Sign & Their Reflection With The Capricorn New Moon

Since this is the very last New Moon of the year, consider this the first, solid stepping stone you get in your 2020 journey… but also a chance to say goodbye to some of the past pain and disappointment from 2019 that is clinging to you. This New Moon serves as a time for peace and reflection, a sort of purgatory between the old and the new. You exist here, even if only briefly, to collect your thoughts and create a foundation for the next year.

Take the time to think about 2019 and all that you have experienced. Reflect, reconsider, and recover your sense of self so you can better look forward to the upcoming year.


Aries ♈︎

Aries, you are good at putting up a front in your life to hide your vulnerability. 2019 was a year that challenged you emotionally, and you will feel the weight of that as you think back through the events that have led you here. Anxiety about who you are and that sense of self should be looked at objectively and solved as the year comes to an end.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Taurus ♉︎

You took risks this year, Taurus, and no matter what the end result for these decisions were, you found a new strength inside. This will be most obvious in your vision as you think back to the biggest moments in 2019. Watch how they continue to shape you, even now, and appreciate the newfound courage you’ve mustered in the past year.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Gemini ♊︎

Thinking back over the year, take special notice of your reactions to expected changes and your feelings caused by these new beginnings. How adaptable have you been recently? 2019 should be your opportunity to adopt new thinking and a different outlook to experiences that still are heavy on your mind. Consider revising your thinking as you step into the new year.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Cancer ♋︎

Look for the moments of self-confidence where you have played an active role in creating your faith. 2019 held some very astronomically challenging periods of time, with the Mercury retrograde throwing Water signs for a loop. Cancer, these trying times in the past year will help you take a bigger chance in the future and find more of that inner confidence.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Leo ♌︎

You have inspired others with what you want to be known. 2019 was all about your beliefs and pushing your passion out into the world. You’re stepping away from a very productive and fruitful year, and it’s easy to continue riding that high. Take pause, Leo, and analyze those successful events and try to promote that energy into 2020.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Virgo ♍︎

You have done things your way for a long time, and as you reflect on 2019, take special notice if the patterns in your life. Look deep to try and see where the same energy repeats itself, both positively and negatively. Your willpower to do what you think you know about has made it hard for you to break the rules you’ve unknowingly created for yourself. Be objective with your reflections this New Moon, Virgo.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Libra ♎︎

There will be success from you’re going; your destiny. Much of this year was spent setting down the stepping stones and clearing your path. Libra, this New Moon will feel like the last breath before taking a leap of faith; so don’t get distracted by that. There is no shame in looking over your shoulder at all the hard work you’ve put into where you’ve gotten. Take a moment and celebrate before the push begins again.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Scorpio ♏︎

Long-range thinking is not the strongest area for a Scorpio; but as you look back through 2019, don’t let yourself fall victim to tunnel vision. Use your intuition and separate your feelings from what you need to share. Sometimes the restoration of a New Moon, especially with the strong Earth influence it carries with Capricorn, is the best time to unpack bottled up feelings.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Sagittarius ♐︎

The past year for you has been all about your relationships. You’ve met many people, experienced many new settings, and have adopted a refreshed outlook on romance and companionship. 2019 was hard on the love life of everyone, but the New Moon is a prominent reminder of the small joys that 2019 lent you. Focus not on the heartbreaks, but what made your heart the fullest.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Capricorn ♑︎

When you picture 2019, look closer at your need for control and how it has affected your dedication to achieve. In what instances did you act out desire over desperation? The obsession with power and the inner struggle within yourself should be tracked throughout the experiences 2019 brought you. How can you move forward from with a readjusted focus?

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Aquarius ♒︎

The cost of 2019 and all you have lost and gain will be heavy on your shoulders. Dynamics in the Cosmos has been a roller-coaster on your Soul, but your beliefs remain intact. Work on your attitude as you reflect with the New Moon, and focus your energy into education instead of regret. 2019 is nearly over, and to step ahead with good vibes, you need to reunite with your original ideas and wishes for your life.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾


Pisces ♓︎

Cherish your dreams that you have realized over the past year, Pisces. 2019 was an enlightening time in your life; use this new knowledge and excitement to jump-start the upcoming year. Move beyond your idealization of the past and your set patterns of thought and instead allow yourself to be charmed by the beauty of your life in the last 12 months. Carry that hopeful nature into the upcoming year by trusting the influence of the Capricorn New Moon.

Find out more with a personalised New Moon Reading ☾

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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