Aquarius Full Moon + Ritual 𓁿 August 2021

Aquarius Full Moon August 2021 Girl and Her Moon

There is a same ‘seer’ quality available as last month, as we have access to glimpses into our expansive future, able to tap into that vision, that subtle realm of energetic possibility for ourselves.



  • Wellington: Monday August 23 – 12.01 am
  • Sydney: Sunday August 22 – 10.01 pm
  • New Delhi: Sunday August 22 – 5.31 pm
  • Dubai: Sunday August 22 – 4.01 pm
  • Moscow/Istanbul: Sunday August 22 – 3.01 pm
  • Paris/Berlin: Sunday August 22 – 2.01 pm
  • London: Sunday August 22 – 1.01 pm
  • New York/Toronto: Sunday August 22 – 8.01 am
  • Los Angeles: Sunday August 22 – 5.01 am


This is our second Aquarius Full Moon of the year. Our second consecutive Full Moon in Aquarius.

With such emphasis on a particular sign, a particular energy, from the cosmos – we know there is much to gain here in that sign. We know there is wisdom that the Earth, the collective, and that our Souls are ready for that can be found only within that sign.

So we don’t ignore this emphasis. We don’t ignore this synchronicity. We listen.

We lean into the energy of Aquarius and all that is has to offer. We sit in our Souls and we reflect on why, what, where it is that this Aquarius energy will add to our growth as individuals, and as a collective.

Differing in intensity and relationships with other planets to last months Full Moon, we will find many of the same themes meeting us individually. But this month we will see them in a new light, one with more of a perspective of opportunity, freedom, and expansion. A greater illumination and release. A greater culmination. A

The big reason that is the positioning of Jupiter. Jupiter is nice and close to the Moon, bringing that beautiful expansiveness, opportunity for growth, and widened outlook. It is Life reminding us of the beauty that can be found. It is our Souls reminding us of how far we have come, and all that is available in front of us.

There is a connection available with something bigger than ourselves, with Life, Source, Soul, The Universe, God. And at the same time a beautiful appreciation for our individualism. For the whole could not exist without the individuals, and the individuals could not exist without the whole.

There is a same ‘seer’ quality available as last month, as we have access to glimpses into our expansive future, able to tap into that vision, that subtle realm of energetic possibility for ourselves. With that vision comes the potential for change, a sense of breaking through, a step into freedom, innovation, revolution.

It is taking that higher vision, that seer quality, and asking us if we are prepared to step forward into that vision, asking us if we are prepared to renew ourselves, reinvent ourselves, free ourselves, in order to actualise and embody that new frequency.

And there is a supportive ease in releasing anything that doesn’t align with where it is you desire to walk. As the moon begins to shed herself, we too, with ease, and with appreciation for it all, will be releasing and shedding months, years, decades even, of what we have made our own that simply isn’t.

Leaning on the Sun shining brightly in Leo, tap into your creative core. With both Leo and Aquarius on our side we will not only open doors to new perspectives and ideas, but we will turn on that beautiful spark of creativity from Leo. Creativity to begin. And courage to take steps.

Tap into the energy of your Soul. Where there is unlimited potential and infinite creativity. Where there is awe and wonder. Pure divine power. Tap into the part of you that is blossoming with your true nature and beauty. Tap into the place within you that knows you are a masterpiece. Tap into your Soul that is filled with pure anticipation for your freedom, for your growth, evolution, awakening.

There are magnificent things happening within you, for you, and around you. And you have the strength to continue to show up, stand up, trust yourself, and renew yourself.

Take a moment to remind yourself of how far you have come. How much you have grown. The depth you have moved through. How much stronger you are. How much softer you are.
And let it remind you of all you can do. Of all you can achieve. Become. Of how deeply, innately, and unquestionably worthy and able you are.




Aquarius Full Moon Ritual:

A Meeting with Source

A Meeting with Source is a beautiful, and highly interactive Soul Journey included in our Flow with the Moon Membership.

Pre-recorded to move through in your own safe space, and aligned time, you will have lifelong access to this recording to move through as many times as you desire, whenever your heart is calling you for wider expansion, higher energy, and integration of deep wisdom.

This journey has two main intentions:

– Connect with the collaborative and community part of this beautiful journey that we are all on.

Remind ourselves that we are not alone. That we can hold each other. That we have each other. That each of us are an integral part of the community. To witness our contribution to the whole. To witness and claim our importance.

– To connect with Source in our own unique and empowering way.

To receive clarity and perspective with what our Soul is ready to illuminate, and what we are ready to receive. As we connect with Source, connecting with our most true, fulfilling, aligned expression of ourselves. Receiving codes of energy, upgrades, resources, wisdom, and expansion from Source.

This is a special month to join our membership.

Not only do you get instant, and lifelong access to this beautiful journey – but you also get our Lionsgate Ritual, Divine Manifestation, and a powerful collaboration with Gracie Balev, Self-Love Session.

Another special and unique experience happening under this Full Moon – you can join free with any Astrology or Tarot Reading.

With any tarot reading purchased, you will receive $22.22 towards your membership of choice – either a free month, 50% off a quarterly membership, or a discounted yearly membership.

After your purchase/checkout you will receive your unique code (do not buy your membership before receiving the code).

All of us at Girl and Her Moon feel so lucky, so grateful, and honoured to get to share our lives with you.

To get to witness you in all of your magic. To get to support you on all that your path holds. We are so grateful, every single day, for you.

Browse our Astrology Readings here, or our Tarot Readings here. And join us in our beautiful membership free afterwards. 🖤


Aquarius Full Moon August Ritual Girl and Her Moon


Aquarius Full Moon special Girl and Her Moon



If you are already a member – sign in to your dashboard here.

For your zodiac horoscope, be sure to check our Instagram the day of the Full Moon – Kapualani has created Tarot Readings for the zodiacs! x

All the love, always, Jordane x

Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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