

Card Reading

My name is Zofiia Rose, and I am an intuitive Card Reader.

Ever since I was a little girl, I have always been able to sense and communicate with energies not visible to the eye.
My strongest belief is in love. I truly believe that love is the highest frequency there is, and my biggest wish on this planet, and my mission, is to feel, sense and share that love to all those in need of it.

Through my Intuitive Card Readings, I will share this love with you, and from the energy of your guides, heal you with the words they present to you. No matter if it is a business reading or a more personal one.
My biggest wish is to make you feel seen, heard, felt, and recognized as the true being you are, as the magnificent human being that you are, with all the potential you hold and consist of. My readings usually bring a spark of joy, trust, boost of motivation and a stronger belief in yourself, your business and life again.

My home is in Denmark, but I truly feel like an old American soul, and one of my biggest dreams is to go to Hawaii and experience the magnificent energy that resides there.

I feel honored to support you and guide you, through Girl and Her Moon.

Work 1:1 with Zofiia

Explore an Intuitive Reading with Zofiia.

Our Readings are here to translate your souls knowing into clear and tangible guidance.

Browse soulful options below.


Self Love Hypnosis Girl and Her Moon

Falling in Love with the Unique Self: A Hypnosis

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On the Blog

June 11, 2023

Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes: Gemini New Moon June 2023

April 17, 2023

Zodiac Tarot Horoscopes: Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse April 2023

February 19, 2023

Tarot Horoscopes: Pisces New Moon February 2023
