2023 Astrology: Unexpected Blessings, Self Empowerment, and Initiation ✨

2023 Astrology Unexpected Blessings, Self Empowerment, and Initiation Girl and Her Moon

2023 can be your year of growth which comes in the form of long-awaited, yet unexpected blessings, a stronger connection forming to your subconscious self and a whisper into the hidden power of your truest desires.


A collective Sigh

A collective sigh of relief can be felt as we are finally coming off the tense square between Saturn and Uranus since 2020. Both taking their time through head-strong Aquarius and Taurus, this ongoing tension may have caused some volatility and increased hesitation and disruption over the years.

We are working with a more supportive, restorative, self-empowered and initiative energy in 2023.

Each transit brings its own flavour to the collective experience of your soul’s growth. The year can give way to expansion and promised blessings for your commitment and resilience in the past.

Let’s explore below some of the profound astrological movements of your year ahead. If you would like a personal look at your year ahead with the stars, find our 2023 Astrology Reading here.


Jupiter in Aries

20 December, 2022 – 16 May, 2023

Further to the expansions expected in 2023, we have Jupiter blazing through Aries from the 20th of December, 2022 until the 16th of May, 2023.

This brief transit can be felt as a similar energy of what was experienced between May to October of 2022. It’s important to note, that while there can be similarities, we are no longer in the thick of a fixed sign eclipse axis, so you can expect that this time around, Jupiter has many more blessings to offer as a result of your courage to say yes, despite your fears or doubts.

Jupiter works well with Saturn, as Saturn is pushing you to face your self-sabotaging narrative and Jupiter is placing you at the height of your personal victories to witness your bold, beautiful and courageous self; an individual, a hero, a warrior, knowing fear and saying yes to life.

Jupiter travels through Taurus for the remainder of the year, beginning on the 16th of May. In 2023, Jupiter in Taurus makes positive contact to the North Node and Saturn in Pisces.

After all that changed during the eclipses in Taurus/Scorpio, Jupiter bestows us with the well-deserved blessings, showing us what it was all for, teaching us the power of patience and expanding our somatic senses deeper into our souls’ evolutionary yearnings.


Mars Direct

12 January, 2023

Mars, the ruler of Aries has had a long stay in Gemini, carrying us into the new year in retrograde motion. This can indicate a slower start to the year, however we are in the process of gathering, sifting and re-ordering information.

Once Mars stations direct in Gemini on the 12th of January, we can expect to feel the mental pressure release and experience greater mental and physical motivation.

Throughout the year, Mars makes a number of hard aspects to the outer planets. While we are being pushed to take charge of our lives, a number of external and internal battles need to be won and part of the process of realising our strength lies in overcoming the challenges and recognizing our inherent power.


Saturn enters Pisces

7 March 2023, into 2026

As of the 7th of March 2023, Saturn will make its entrance into the sign of Pisces, remaining there until 2026.

During this period of time, Saturn will be bringing to surface the hidden areas of our lives, our past, our compulsions, our subconscious fears and self-doubts in an attempt to make sense of the mysteries hidden deep within our soul.

Saturn’s role is to show you where you need to take responsibility for what has been swept under the rug. As a result of this transit, you can start to develop maturity that soaks layers deep into your subconscious.

Understanding how you might be getting in your own way can clear the path for greater freedom, over time.

Girl and Her Moon Soul Tarot Reading


Pluto enters Aquarius

23 March 2023 – 11 June, 2023

Another significant planetary shift in March is Pluto dipping into Aquarius on the 23rd of March to the 11th of June, 2023.

While this is a whisper into the depths of Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, which will be decades long and not something we should think about too much at a mundane level, this is a significant undercurrent of change in 2023.

At a collective level, we can start to see technology completely corrupting in order to be reborn. We may experience societies deconstructing to be re-formed.

This is a significant energy that can put a lot of power back in the hands of the collective and the individual, feeding into humanitarian goals and pushing us forward into an ever-connected world, beyond what we can imagine.


Venus in Leo

3 June, 2023 – 8 October, 2023

Venus imparts gifts, blessings and magic wherever she flows. Her journey throughout 2023 is gentle until we reach her transit through the sign of Leo where she stays from the 3rd of June until the 8th of October, 2023. At this time, she is working harder to enforce your values, your self-worth, self-love and show you where your passions, pleasures, desires and gifts lie so that you don’t lose sight of what’s important at your core. She encourages you to slow down and listen to your heart’s song, letting it lead you on the path of fulfilment. Pushing against the current of the mind can block you from opening, giving and receiving from the heart.


North Node in Aries, South Node in Libra

17 July, 2023 – January 11, 2025

Going a little deeper, the journey of our soul’s evolutionary growth lies in the path of the Nodes which change signs on the 17th of July, 2023.

Before the shift, we can experience a final closure to the story we have been writing through our experiences on the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Realising our values, our worthiness, our beauty and releasing toxic energy from our past life karma, we are entering a new cycle of experiencing ourselves in a bold, bright light.

Attachments, dependencies and passivity can become exposed to bring forward decisive, courageous and confident belief in yourself, your body and your brand. The Aries north node is here to fight the good fight.

Soul Astrology Readings Girl and Her Moon


2023 Mercury Retrogrades

29 December 2022 – 18 January 2023

Speaking of the mind, we enter 2023 in a Mercury retrograde. The first (unofficial) Mercury retrograde of the year begins on the 29th of December 2022 and ends on the 18th of January, 2023 in the sign of Capricorn. This retrograde can mean we are not entirely in alignment with our new year goals as we enter 2023. After surviving the heaviness of the past two years, 2023 invites you to enter, mindfully, carefully, slowly. Take your time, setting goals, re-setting goals, forming your intentions.


21 April 2023 – 15 May 2023

The second Mercury retrograde beginning on the 21st of April, ending on 15th of May invites you to live slower. Take a deep, mindful breath, indulge in the pleasure of a single breath bringing life to your souls existence in this form, in your body. Each moment is to be acknowledged and cherished, to give room for the blessings of Jupiter in Taurus so they don’t go unnoticed.


23 August 2023 – 15 September 2023

Our third Mercury retrograde is in the sign of Virgo, beginning on the 23rd of August, ending on the 15th of September. Coinciding with the Venus retrograde, this Mercury invites you to be mindful of where you are giving your mental efforts, where your focus, attention and accuracy is required and where it may be getting in your way.


13 December 2023 – 1 January 2024

Our final Mercury retrograde in Capricorn on the 13th of December until the 1st of January, 2024 wraps up the earth sign trifecta. Each Mercury retrograde in 2023 is an invitation to seek out a more mindful experience of the various roles you play in your life, the responsibilities you have unto others, the commitments you make and how you follow through, the schedules and the habits you keep.


Noush is Girl and Her Moon’s intuitive astrologer who believes in the healing power of focused energy.

Her goal is to provide insightful astrology readings that come with practical tools and guidance methods to help you navigate your own challenges in a way that is useful and easy to digest.

Explore your astrology year ahead, or unpack your natal chart with Noush here.


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