2022 Zodiac Horoscopes For Your sign – Aligning With The Cosmos

With incredible cosmic transits such as Eclipses and Retrogrades, and powerful placements like the movement of Jupiter, 2022 is filled with cosmic movement. We have put together guiding themes for each zodiac based on four prominent areas of life; Love, Finance, Family & Career.

Reading your rising sign will hold most relevance, as your rising sign shows us where in your chart transits will meet.

Always know that astrology is one of the many perspectives to witness yourself and your life through. It represents the support of the stars, and your oneness with the Universe and therefore, is here to serve you always. To serve you in meeting your greatest human experience.

And with that, enjoy.

Jordane x


Aries Girl and Her Moon


Personal goals, self-reinvention, and deep subconscious healing.



2022 brings much deep healing and reinvention for you, Aries, in all areas of life. When we allow ourselves to focus on our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health, we find a new kind of self-love that naturally overflows into the rest of our lives, including our relationships.

 With Saturn, our planet of structure and hard work, in your 11th house of communities and friendships, things may feel slightly limiting in the realm of relationships at times. While this may not sound overly supportive, we know that Saturn is all about parenting ourselves in a healthy way and taking well thought steps towards building something that will last. In the world of love, you may find yourself more serious than usual. Whether that is building something like a marriage or family with another, taking a step away from something that doesn’t serve you, or meeting someone new that somehow feels like you have known forever. Saturn is all about the foundation. Work on the foundation and the rest will last. This year is speaking to a long term and healthy kind of love – flowing with this direction will bring fulfilling love and happiness.

 During both May and October, we will meet powerful Eclipses in your 8th house of soulmate connections, merging with another, and joint resources. Here we will find transformation, healing, beginnings, and change in your world of love.




Our beautiful planet of abundance, expansion, luck and joy, Jupiter, will be in your sign from May to October, Aries – and when we say Jupiter is the planet of abundance, we mean it. With Eclipses occurring in both your 2nd house of value and money, and 8th house of partnership, money, and transformation throughout the year there will be powerful zaps of energy moving toward your relationship with money. The opportunity for beautiful financial growth is being handed to you, but is also asking you to do some work in this space. Do you feel worthy of abundance? What does financial success mean to you? What beliefs are you ready to leave behind so that you can prosper in ways that you desire?




Your family life sits in a very intimate and emotional energy within your chart, Aries. And since 2018 there has been an emphasis on healing within your family, particularly within you and how you allow yourself to show up within your family. Stepping into 2022, the Nodal axis has shifted and for the first time in two four years, there will be a deeper sense of calm here. There are no powerful Eclipses zapping energy into your home sector anymore. Think about any lessons or healing you have moved through since 2018 and how you desire to apply that to your family life.




Aries this year has a theme of reinvention for you, but like any big change, first must come awareness. Early in the year you have both Venus and Mercury retrograde in your career sector, and Mercury again in December. These cosmic events are asking you to take a moment to reflect on the direction you are walking in in terms of your career, to ask yourself if you are leading with heart, and if you are fulfilled – both emotionally and financially.

Any insights that come up to the surface during these introspective periods will be able to be put into action in true Aries style during the rest of the year, with a green light from the skies to move ahead and reinvent yourself as you please – especially as Jupiter moves into your first house of self from May to October!


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Taurus Symbol Girl and Her Moon



There are major themes of shedding what you are no longer in alignment with and stepping into greatness.



Two Eclipses in Scorpio are taking you deep into your love life, your partnership, and your soul connections this year, Taurus. Specifically in May and October. Eclipses represent major and divine turning points in our lives. It’s where we finally get in touch with clarity of heart, where we dare to venture into the unknown, where we let ourselves transform. When it’s Scorpio visiting these intimate sections of our chart as it is for you, it takes us deeper than any other sign. Beautiful healing around commitment can happen here with a partner that you feel safe to be intimate with. This will be a running theme into October 2023.




Your focus is on playing big, creating impact, and making a shift in the world. With the Lunar Nodes on your side (sitting in your sign!) and Jupiter in your 12th house of the subconscious from May – October, you have tapped into a year of stepping into your purpose. We know that impactful people deserve to receive. We know that when we step into all that we are, unapologetically, we transform ourselves into a magnet for all that we desire. This includes wealth. If you desire to create wider wealth with this deeper impact you are making, declare it.




You are going through major transformation and growth this year, Taurus, and this will naturally overflow into those you spend your time with. Don’t be afraid to let your family in on your journey. Share with them your wisdom. A Full Moon in February asks you to let go of any resistance with sharing your heart with your family unit, and a New Moon in July brings in play, joy, and creativity within the home!




Your career life this year will begin in a space of reflection. As Venus retrogrades in your career and public image, this gives you an opportunity to think about what it is you want to do, and who it is you want to be as we step into the new year. As Jupiter sits in your 11th house of collective impact and big dreams until May and again from October to December, luck is on your side with those hopes and wishes you’ve been ready for. Your eyes are on how you can create an impact in the world, and you’re ready to expand past any limits you once believed were keeping you small.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Gemini Symbol Girl and Her Moon



One of your greatest and luck-filled years in your career.



Early in the year we have Venus, our goddess planet of love, beauty, harmony and receivership in retrograde in your soulmate sector, Gemini. This retrograde is asking you to revisit your intimate and sexual desires, and how you share yourself with others. Later in the year Mars will be retrograde in your sign upping all things passion, energy, drive, charisma, and magnetism, and this will last into 2023. Yes please.




With such a boost in your career life this year, Gemini, know that the doors to increase your finances and self-worth have opened. You will be doing incredible things in the workspace, make sure you are compensated well for this. Picking up some money-mindset books might help you to align with your highest ideals of abundance and let go of any disempowering beliefs.




There will be a short Mercury Retrograde moving through the home and family section of your chart in late September-early October, Gemini, giving you and your family an opportunity to slow down and re-establish what kind of environment and relationship you desire to create together. Know that retrogrades are always here to serve us, allowing us to see things from a new perspective, and showing us where perhaps we aren’t moving in a direction that is of ultimate health in all ways.




We have Jupiter, our big, beautiful, expansive and growth filled planet moving through both your house of career and public image, and your house of collective impact and big dreams. What a year for your career, Gemini. Jupiter brings growth wherever it goes. This combination is asking you to think big with your heart, it’s asking you what impact you want to make in the world, what legacy you want to leave behind and its opening doors to the opportunities to make those answers a reality. This energy is present all throughout the year, and it’s asking you to think bigger than ever. In August Mars moves into your sign giving you an extra boost of passion and energy – use this to your advantage!


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Cancer Symbol Girl and Her Moon



Adventure, exploration, self-expression, and openness.



There is an emphasis on freedom and exploration this year for you, Cancer, with the addition of creative expression, and impactful collective work. You are thinking big, and you’ll need someone by your side that appreciates and allows room for this freedom-filled energy. Or alternatively, maybe you’ll meet someone on a big, beautiful adventure?! At the same time, Saturn sits in your 8th house of deep shared connection and intimacy where it has been since 2021 and will remain into 2023. Over this two-year period, you may find deep healing going on in the realms of intimacy, whether you are healing with someone by your side, or finding that healing within.




A Full Moon in February asks you to release any limiting money beliefs or doubt around your self-worth. Just before this, Venus and Mercury have both be in retrograde in your 2nd house of finances and worth. Having a big, beautiful release alongside the moon just after a period of reflection and new-found-retrograde-awareness is perfect. Engage in a letting-go ritual, or simply sit with the moon and find the self-value within. This will open new channels and insight around money, especially as we meet a New Moon in July that wants to open the doors to a new path when it comes to your finances!




Being such a home and family-based sign, Cancer, this year pulls a lot of focus elsewhere. There is incredible luck available in your career, and there is such an emphasis on self-expression and adventure. Whether this shows up in your life as focus being elsewhere, or whether you’re opening new doors for both yourself and your family. When we align with where our heart is calling us, we fill ourselves up. When we are full, that beautiful positivity and love overflows to our family. Keep following your heart, even if it’s pulling you in new directions.




Stepping into the year until May, and then again from October to December, all things career, growth, public image, expansion, luck, are on your side. Jupiter will be moving through your 10th house, which is your most public and ‘outward’ section of your chart. It’s where people see you, it’s where your message expands far and wide. It’s where you make your greatest impact. And this year, it will be through your career. Eclipses have you thinking big in terms of how you can impact in a greater way.

 As the year ticks over, take a moment to think about where you want to direct this growth. Are you looking for greater publicity, a more expansive pay-check, or deeper impact? Energy flows where intention goes, and this energy is filled with ultimate growth!


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Leo Symbol Girl and Her Moon



The stars are taking you in all directions, Leo, surrender into the flow. Growth, transformation and deep inner healing are all on the cards.



Saturn has been sitting in your love house of commitment and partnership for the last 12 months, and it will continue to be there into 2023. Saturn is all about stable, reliable, sturdy step by step growth. It wants to create what it knows will last. It’s not here for quick, short bursts of fun. It’s committed to the long run.

 Saturn is all about lessons. From 2021 into early 2023, you are learning about what it means to create something that lasts – whether you are learning through the actual act of creating stability and commitment with a partner, or whether you are learning through experiencing the opposite. You are learning and it all matters. Trust that if there are any feelings of limitations or hardship in love, it will pay off. Because Saturn always pays off long-term.




When Jupiter meets its home sign of Pisces in Jan-May and again in October – December, it will be meeting in your 8th house of long-term wealth. The kind of long-term wealth that asks you to merge resources with another and create something from that merging. Jupiter expands and brings divine luck wherever it goes, so 2022 is a beautiful opportunity to begin creating the wealth you desire, or if you have already been working towards something, this is an opportunity to take it up a notch! Remember, wherever Jupiter goes, luck is on your side.




Similar to your career, within your family sector you will meet 2 Eclipses throughout the year. One in May and one in November. Having Eclipses balancing between home and career, there is an emphasis on family-work balance/home-life balance for you, Leo. This is where you learn to give and receive from both your family and home life and grow and achieve in your career/work life. Remember that to give, we must first have something to give. Fill yourself up, give to others from a space of overflow. Know that your achievements at work are your achievements at home and visa versa. Celebrate each step of the way, even if it just feels like a lesson learned to do better next time. It all counts.




Your career, purpose, and public image is open for total transformation throughout 2022, Leo. There are two Eclipses that will occur in your 10th house of career and purpose this year, in both May and October. The Solar Eclipse in May can spark a brand new, life changing idea or chapter in your career life, whereas the Lunar Eclipse in October will ask you to go deeper within yourself to let go of limiting beliefs that you have around your success in your work.

 As we step into the year, Venus is retrograde in your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines, and habits until the end of January. Venus brings beauty and harmony wherever she goes, so this is a beautiful time to reflect on how your day-to-day work life is serving you.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Virgo Symbol Girl and Her Moon



Relationships are a big theme for you this year Virgo. Sharing what’s on your heart is a must. The world is ready to hear your wisdom.



Relationships are a big theme for you this year Virgo. Our planet of growth and new adventures, Jupiter, will be moving between your 7th house of partnership and commitment, and your 8th house of intimacy and soulmate connections – for the entire year. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so you can look forward to major growth in these areas. In 2022 – love is completely on your side. Jan – May and again October – December are beautiful pockets in time that support commitment and taking steps to deepen or officialise a relationship, whereas May – October takes it deeper with long-term bonding on a deeply intimate level.




While Jupiter moves into your 8th house of soulmate love and intimacy, it also touches on the energy of money. During May – October Jupiter, the planet that expands whatever it touches, will brings its magic and growth into your area of joint resources and finances. This could bring incredible opportunities to create long-term wealth with another. Explore your options, think about how you desire to magnetically attract money into your life. Let yourself think outside of the norm – Jupiter is known for working is known for working beyond any limitations.




If relocation has been on the cards, this year may just be when it happens. This year, and the Lunar Nodes, are supportive of either a long-distance relocation (or even travel, if circumstances allow) or a move to a near-by neighbourhood. A Full Moon in June asks you to release any feelings of lack, restriction, or limitation within the family unit (or within you) whereas a New Moon in November opens up that sense of freedom allowing for exploration, play, and new ideas as a family.




Throughout this year there will be four Eclipses that are sparking energy, new beginnings, and potential for total transformation towards your communication, towards how you share your ideas, teaching, and even, if it suits your lifestyle, your online presence. Think about any ideas you may have, because Life is saying… now is the time. Whether your career is already an environment that supports expression, whether something on the side is calling your name, or maybe you’re ready for a total change in your work life. This is a great year to think on what is on your heart and what you want to share. These Eclipses will meet you during April, May, October, and November and will act as little portals in time to usher you into whatever change your heart is ready for.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Libra Symbol Girl and Her Moon



Many Libra-themed energies throughout 2022 for you. Balance, harmony, and partnership are allowing for safety in the body and self. Where you find balance, you will thrive.



The shift in energy that occurs when a major planet moves into a specific area of your chart is exactly that – a shift in energy. The way in which this shift manifests in your life is so unique to who you are, where you are, what you are moving and healing through, and what you are desiring and calling in. Jupiter will move into your 7th house of partnership from May to late October, bringing that shift. While it is here during these dates (or before), take some time to connect inward and get clear about any shifts in your love life that would serve you. Jupiter is the planet of joy, growth, and beautiful synchronistic luck – so let your joy guide your decisions now – and know that life is on your side!




Finances will be a big area of focus for you this year, Libra. With incredible opportunities to heal your relationship with money, to release any resistance towards receiving, and to up and solidify the worth you give to yourself. This is the Lunar Nodes working their magic in both your 2nd house of self-value and money, and 8th house of joint resources and transformation. April and October will be ushering you into new money beginnings, whereas May and November will be asking you to release anything that is not allowing that free flowing abundance your way!




Stepping into 2022 Venus will be in retrograde in your 4th house of home and family until January 29. Before the pace of 2022 picks up and suddenly, we’re all moving at 100 mph a day – take this short moment in time to reflect on who you want to be in your family, on what environment you desire for your family, and any changes you want to make to your home (whether those changes are emotional or physical). Venus is the planet of love and beauty, so this retrograde period where we are being directed inward to reflect and understand things in a new way, is an opportunity to witness how you can bring more love, beauty, and harmony, into your home. Venus is your natural ruling planet, so this energy is highly aligned with who you already are.




Remember these dates: December 28 (2021) – May 10 and again October 28 – December 20. During these two pockets of the year Jupiter will be hanging out in your 6th house of work, day-to-day-living and habits. This is where you bring incredible abundance, joy, expansion and growth into your career – particularly supported is anything health related in your work! With all of this incredible money focus this year for you Libra there is great opportunity while Jupiter is here to maximise your work life.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Scorpio Symbol Girl and Her Moon 



Shedding, transformation and total renewal of Self is on the cards, in total Scorpio style. With this transformation, how you show up in love is ready for renewal.



This is a major year for love, Scorpio. Each year there are a minimum of four eclipses that fall on a certain astrological axis. Eclipses represent major and divine turning points in our lives. It’s where we finally get in touch with clarity of heart, where we dare to venture into the unknown, where we let ourselves transform. This year the Eclipses fall into both your 1st house of self, and your 7th house of partnership. This is the energy of me and we, of individual and team. With the Eclipse energy threading across the year and bouncing between these areas of your life, there is incredible opportunity that can manifest in many ways. It could be finding a renewed sense of self within a relationship. It could be finding new values or ideals that you want out of a relationship. It could be gaining such solid clarity on your sense of self that you easily and instantly attract a like-energy person into your life. However this shows up for your unique self, know that this polarity of self and partnership is asking for attention in your life.




Scorpio you naturally take finances into a deeper place than most. Your sign, naturally, is about merging with another, about surrendering into and allowing yourself abundance within joint resources. This could show up in a business partnership or relationship. Throughout 2022 there will be an emphasis on your finances, and in particular your joint finances, beginning October into early 2023. Mars Retrograde will be bringing heat, passion, and drive and directing it towards your resources. Use this four-month window to reflect on how you desire to arrange any finances that are tied to another person, and bring that heat, passion, and drive towards any changes or goals you desire.




Saturn has been in your home sector for the past year Scorpio, where it will continue throughout 2022 and into 2023. What this means for you is a building of something, whether this is a literal and physical building of a home, whether you are physically growing your family, or even strengthening the bond of family. You are creating long lasting impact and you should be deeply proud of this. Saturn can often feel restricting, or even unforgiving in the way it brings growth – through lessons and experiences. If ever you feel as if you are failing, know that you are learning, growing, and as you continue to show up, you teach your family valuable lessons that will last a lifetime.




Jupiter makes its way through two exciting places in your chart when we look at your career, Scorpio. As we step into 2022, and again as we close out the year, you are being guided into free expression of self. Your creativity will spark, ideas will flow, and there will be an unstoppable and free-flowing urge to create, for those of you with the opportunity, bring this into your career and you will make great impact. During May – October Jupiter will make a stop in your 6th house of routines, work-day life, and even health. In terms of your career, this could bring a newfound arrangement in your day-to-day work, one that will serve you. It also has the added bonus of brining joy and abundance into your work life!


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Sagittarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon



Reclaiming who you are. These last few years have been highly transformation with much cosmic emphasis on your sign. You have emerged. Who do you choose to be now?



Free and open skies in your love life for the first half of 2022, Sagittarius. Let yourself explore, play, and bring your beautiful positive attitude to your relationships as you please. As we meet October 2022 and through until January 2023, Mars will retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, partnerships, and marriage. Mars is a fiery planet that brings passion, drive, and heat wherever it goes. This is a great opportunity to reflect on what really matters to you in your relationships, what is worth standing up for, what is worth letting go of, and how you want to direct your passions. During this time, let yourself tap into calming and reflective waters. Mars brings fire where you already possess an abundance of it, engage in activities and energies that bring the essence of coolness and water, such as yoga or beach walks.




As we begin the year we have Venus Retrograde sitting in your 2nd house of value and finances. Retrogrades have received a bad name these past few years, but we can promise that this one, and ultimately every cosmic event, is here to serve you. While Venus already influences our money-relationship, here it sits in the house that is the ruler of your money.

 Take this opportunity to connect with your heart (again, Venus energy) to get clear on your beliefs around money, your relationship with self-worth and how that connects with money, and why you desire the financial goals you desire.

Mercury moves through a quick two-week retrograde into early February in the same area of your chart, bringing a mental approach to the same intention. The intention being – rebuild your relationship with money. After February, the path is clear for you to move ahead with your new retrograde-gained insight!




There are two major astrological players in your home and family life throughout this year, Sagittarius. One being Eclipses, and the other being Jupiter. Eclipses in your 6th house in May and October bring a change in your day-to-day life. If you have been desiring more time with the family, this is a beautiful time to look at that. If you have been desiring to switch up your, or your family’s routine, this is a beautiful time to look at that. When Jupiter is in your 4th house of the home until May, and again October – December, joy comes into the family unit. Fun, play, expansion, light, and opportunity reaches its way into the home. This is where healing can happen through laughter, memories that last beyond lifetimes can be made, and deep connection can be felt.




Eclipses in your 6th house throughout the year will bring opportunities to rearrange your work-life and your day-to-day experience with your career, and to realign anything that is needed to bring you your health and happiness. While this theme threads across 2022 Sagittarius, there are also Eclipses meeting your 12th house of the subconscious. When we meet Eclipses in such a deep, personal, and spiritual part of ourselves we notice that things begin to drop away – or more accurately, we allow ourselves to let go of what is no longer serving us. During 2022 there is opportunity for massive shifts in your career, all geared to ultimately bring you the deepest fulfilment you could possibly receive.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Capricorn Symbol Girl and Her Moon



Communication is a major theme for Capricorns. A sharing of ideas and wisdom and creating a community. In true Capricorn style, your communication will assist in building your empire.



Retrogrades, more retrogrades, and eclipses in your love life this year, Capricorn. We’re talking reflection, introspection, and room for beautiful change, growth and even new beginnings. As we enter 2022 Venus is retrograde in your sign bringing a somewhat nostalgic feeling to your relationships and love life. Whether this manifests as revisiting memories and emotions with a loved one, or quite literally an old partner coming back into your life. As we mention in your career insights, there are Eclipses meeting your 5th house. Your 5th house is your creative expression, but it is also the house of romance, flirting, and dating (and children, if any Capricorns are ready to take that step!). If you are in a long-term relationship, this is a great opportunity to revisit the young and exciting energy of a new relationship, for any singles desiring a relationship, this is an exciting time to put yourself out there.




Your natural ruler, Saturn, has been in your finances sector since December 2020, Capricorn. And just like you, Saturn is a mature and wise builder committed to the long term, committed to learning, committed to becoming the best it can be. Saturn shows us where we can master.

 In other words – the comos is asking you to master your relationship with money. It is asking you to learn all there is to learn about building a long term, stable, and secure financial reality for your life. This doesn’t mean it will be a free and easy ride – rather it means you are gaining incredible strength and wisdom when it comes to the material realm one step at a time. Saturn will remain here until March 2023, so you have this entire year to get clear on your long-term money goals, and get to building your empire.




Jupiter moves into your home sector between May and October, Capricorn, bringing opportunity for growth, good luck, and positive energy all around. This could look like literal growth of the family in numbers, it could look like growth in connection as a family unit, or it could even look like luck in the real estate sector. However this energy may manifest in your unique life, this is a beautiful opportunity to strengthen your family, to bring joy into the home, and to connect as a unit.




Stepping into 2022, Jupiter sits in your 3rd house of communication, ideas, and even technology. Jupiter is our planet of blessings, bringing luck and growth wherever it goes. Sitting in your 3rd house you have the luck of Jupiter on your side in the way you communicate, share your ideas, work with an online presence or any IT-related work. Jupiter will also return here as we close off the year.

 Use this expansive momentum to grow your career, whatever that looks like for you. Use it to have the conversations, to express yourself in certain ways, to build your presence in your community and workplace. With this energy it’s as simple as being in the right place at the right time – Jupiter is guiding you to opportunities.

April and November also bring powerful Eclipses in your fifth house of creativity, perfect opportunities for growth and transformation for any kind of career related to creative expression.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Aquarius Symbol Girl and Her Moon



A balancing of Career and Home. A continuous exploration of self-growth and pushing the boundaries, in true Aquarius style.



Stepping into 2022, Venus Retrograde is in your 12th house of the subconscious. Venus is our goddess of love and beauty, and here within the very depths of who you are in a retrograde motion, it is asking you to dive deep into the beliefs you hold around love, partnership, and connection. Deep healing can happen here, but like always, it asks for your attention and commitment to allow for that healing.

Similarly, Mercury will retrograde in your 5th house of romance in May, and in your 8th house of soulmate love in September. This will be a reflective and introspective year in the field of love, a beautiful opportunity to clear inner patterns and beliefs, heal the heart, and gain new insights on who you desire to be both in the world, and in partnership.




Money is flowing to you, Aquarius, if you open to it. Jupiter enters your 2nd house of value, worth and money over May – October and again in December.

 Jupiter magnifies and expands whatever it looks at, quite literally like a magnifying glass. It opens doors, clears pathways, brings joy and freedom. This is happening to your money life, but also to the way you value yourself, which often come hand in hand. This cosmic happening is a reminder that you are deeply worthy to receive in all the ways you desire.




Late April/Early May brings new beginnings in your family. It brings a spark of new energy. November brings a deeply healing and personal healing energy in the family space. There are two Eclipses pouring energy into your 4th house of family, home, and lineage during these months. Both are beautiful opportunities for deep healing, new beginnings, and letting go of old patterns.




Throughout 2021 you felt the limiting, yet success driven and long-term driven energy of Saturn in your sign, Aquarius. Stepping into 2022, Saturn has returned to Aquarius, where it will remain into 2023.

 Saturn asks us to try again, to keep going, to stand back up, and to focus on the long-term, regardless of any hiccups along the way. It asks us to build something that will last. To build the foundations so sturdy, anything can happen from there. That’s one of the few themes that will find you this year, including throughout your career.

 There are two Eclipses that will occur in your 10th house of career and purpose this year, in both May and October. The Solar Eclipse in May can spark a brand new, life changing idea or chapter in your career life, whereas the Lunar Eclipse in October will ask you to go deeper within yourself to let go of limiting beliefs that you have around your success in your work. The cosmos is by your side, Aquarius, helping you succeed.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.




Pisces Symbol Girl and Her Moon 



2022 will feel much more expansive, open, free and spiritual than 2021. With both ruling planets meeting in your sign throughout the year, it’s a year of luck and beautiful growth.



When Jupiter enters your zodiac sign throughout much of 2022, there can be a feeling of your heart opening, knowing you are ready to begin again. You are deeply supported this year, as if Life is holding you in a beautiful and comfortable cocoon. You are safe to venture into the world, vulnerable, open, and renewed. There is opportunity to reclaim your sense of beauty and confidence, allowing that to overflow into the way you show up in relationships – new and old. A March Full Moon can hold deep healing in love, where an October New Moon could spark a new beginning in your relationships. Where previous relationships may come back into your life, the most important thing for you is to focus on you. Focus on the you that you are blooming into, and bring awareness into where you may be settling into past patterns.




There’s a lot of luck on your side this year, Pisces. While Jupiter, our planet of abundance, expansion and growth is in Aries (May – October), it falls into your house of value, worth and money.

It’s as if the skies are opening and a big, beautiful path lays before you – one filled with financial abundance. Luck is on your side when we speak of money this year. Your intuition is your greatest guidance and joy your most rewarding direction. Follow that voice within and there is great opportunity ahead.




There are two retrogrades meeting your 4th house of home, family, and domestic life this year Pisces, bringing some momentary ‘pauses’ to stop and reflect upon the path you are walking. Retrogrades come to slow us down, because in this fast-paced society, there isn’t much time to take stock of who we are, what direction we are moving in, and if the life we have created or ourselves serves us and those around us.

 When Mars begins its retrograde motion late October a lot of focus can be drawn to your home life. During this time, you are being guided to reflect on how you stand up for what we believe in, when it is healthy to stand down and allow, and what you are passionate about – all in the realm of your domestic life. Being the watery and intuitive sign you are, allow yourself to lean on your healing energy and soften the fiery Mars essence that has the potential to come across as aggressive at times, especially where passion is involved.




The Lunar Nodes this year sit in your 3rd and 9th house, bringing 4 Eclipses your way across the year. In terms of your career, this could bring incredible opportunities in your communication sector, allowing you to share your talents, insights, and message across the globe, bringing beautiful recognition. Teaching, writing, travel, or any kind of media projects are highly supported. With Saturn sitting in your 11th house of big dreams and collective impact, you are being asked to look at who you desire to be in the world and what legacy you want to leave behind – and begin to build towards making that idea your reality. This could be the beginning of an impactful career journey.


Explore your 2022 deeper with a personal 2022 Tarot or Astrology Reading.



2022: An invitation to join us in Soul

Beautiful you, We are here with an invitation.

An invitation to join us in living by the moon, in living with Soul.

We’re here to invite you to join us for your 2022 in a journey of inner exploration, inner healing, conscious creation, and Universe connection.

Our Flow with the Moon Membership is home to over 1500 women from across the globe who are aware of, and deeply nurturing their magic.

They’re doing so by aligning with the cosmos, by connecting to the Moon cycles, and by bringing their Soul into their everyday.

Before we go into the details of what the membership holds, or the yearly special – we have to admit something.


Rooted in Astrology, this membership isn’t about Astrology.

The focus of this membership is you.


Within you is the most beautiful, unique, and powerful spark of the divine.

This membership is aimed at holding you so deeply that you cannot help but connect with, collaborate with, lead from, this spark within.

Because we see you. We see your magic. We see your worth. We see your Soul.

And it is our intention and drive in everything we do (in and out of this membership) to remind you of all that you are.

So that you can see yourself, your magic, your worth, your Soul.

2022 Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

What you receive:

⊹ Monthly Astrology + Energetics
⊹ Monthly Zodiac Tarot Readings
⊹ Two rituals each month: 1 x New Moon Ritual + 1 x Full Moon Ritual
⊹ Monthly Soul Check-ins and planning tools
⊹ New exciting collaboration each month
⊹ Over $1500 in bonuses (plus brand new 2022 bonuses coming soon!)
⊹ Unlimited member discounts on all GAHM offerings

Find out more here.

2022 Flow with the Moon Membership Girl and Her Moon

We love and adore you

What a gift it would be to step into 2022 by your side.

Jordane, Dilosh, Kapualani, Zofiia & Noush

Girl and Her Moon

Align with your Soul, Align with the Moon
Jordane Maree

Having founded Girl and Her Moon in 2019, Jordane is a devotee to the mystery, awe, and wonder of life.

She is a life-long learner and explorer, allowing each moment to be her greatest teacher.

From astrology, numerology and energy work, to ancient teachings and poetry, she is here to sink into all that the divine human experience encompasses and connect with magical humans (you) along the way.

Connect with Jordane inside of our Flow with the Moon Membership and Podcast.

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